Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting
Windows 95, Windows 98 & Windows NT 4.0 - US English Version

Last Updated: 02/17/99 - From Microsoft

The following files will install Windows Script containing Visual Basic Script Edition (VBScript®) Version 5.0, JScript® Version 5.0, Windows Script Components, Windows Script Host 1.0, and Windows Script Runtime Version 5.0.

Requirements: This Windows Script download is designed for Windows 95, Windows 98 & Windows NT 4.0.

Important: Windows 95 users must have OSR2 installed or be running Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or later for these files to work properly. Windows 95 users without Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or OSR2 will need to install DCOM before using these files. To install the DCOM components, you can download it from this page here:


Users running Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.02 on international versions of Windows 95 (with or without OSR2) will need to install DCOM before using these files (above)

Download/setup instructions:

Click the file name link below to start your download of the Visual Basic Scripting Engine. Choose "Open" when prompted if you are running IE. Otherwise, save the file to disk and double-click the file name to run it.


DISCLAIMER - These files are a Microsoft product and we are supplying them as a favor to our customers with the permission of Microsoft. Use of these files, operation, and/or damage from these files to your system is not a responsibility of Surfari Internet.

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