Frequently asked questions concerning the Surfari.Net / TCSN.Net business partnership

Question: "So, does this mean you are selling out to TCSN? I know it says you are becoming "partners", but......"

Answer: Yes, we are selling the business to TCSN but "Surfari.Net" as an operation will remain intact.

Question: "Will there still be an office in Arroyo Grande?"

Answer: Absolutely - with the same hours of operation in the office as well as the additional tech support hours of 8am - 11pm at night seven days a week!

Question: "Will the same people be in our area, or will we just be dealing with TCSN people?"

Answer: We will be around for a while to assist with things. There will be a new staff of people in the office, but with the same friendly local provider service that you have been used to. Feel free to continue to come by and ask questions!

Question: "What about cost?"

Answer: There are no current plans to make any changes to costs for services or changes to services at all, with the exception of the added benefits described in the news release.

Question: "Will we still be able to pay by check, or be forced to use a credit card?"

Answer: Absolutely! Checks, Credit Cards (now also American Express) and Cash.

Question: "Will we have different e-mail addresses?"

Answer: No, Same addresses and website addresses as always - it will be seamless to you as a customer.