Surfari Internet Service Area Coverage
If you do live within this area of service but are still concerned about being a local call to our service, please refer to the prefix's next to the map and then call your phone company (or look in your phone book) to verify the information. All these locations are in the (805) area code.

Prefix Listing
249-3090   Guadalupe, Nipomo
361-3090   Nipomo, Orcutt, Los Alamos, Santa Maria
470-3090    Atascadero, Santa Margarita
576-3090   Carpinteria Area
591-3090   Paso Robles, Templeton
597-3090   5 Cities Area, SLO, Morro Bay, Cayucos
690-3090   Santa Barbara Area
694-3090   Santa Ynez Area
723-3090   Nipomo, Santa Maria
779-3090   5 Cities Area, SLO
875-3090   Lompoc Area
935-3090   Cambria

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