Suggested Internet Explorer 3.0x
Browser Settings for Windows 3.xx
On Surfari Internet

These settings have proven to be the best for the majority of our users. Some of you may need or desire to try different settings. Most of the settings are "cosmetic", meaning it is up to you how you may want these functions to work. We will point out some important ones we have found helpful to our users.
To open the "Options" in your Internet Explorer Browser, you must first have it loaded in front of you like the image below. You can be offline to perform this function. Click on "View" from the text toolbar and then click on "Options", now proceed to the image below.

Loading the Mail Program

First, notice the binding tabs that go across the top of this window, you will want to select the "Connection" tab.
Now you will see the "Connection" tab opened from the main menu. The one option that has been unchecked is "Disconnect if idle" - many of our users have complained abouthaving the system hang up on them and most of the time this is why. Please see the image below. Also note that the "Connect to the Internet as needed" option is selected and our service name is in the text block as your dial-up connection. "Surfari Internet Provider Services"

Mail Options Window/Connection

No you will want to select the "Navigation" tab. Check to make sure that you have your "Start Page" selected (in the blue box) and that the "Address" section contains This will load our homepage for you everytime you log on to the Internet. The "History" setting is entirely up to you, keep in mind the larger your history is, the more physical disk space you will be using. Clearing your history folder once and a while can be a good idea as well. Now proceed to the next image, located below.

Mail Options Window/Navigation

Now, you will want to click on the tab "Advanced" to open that window. Here, the majority of these settings are completely up to you as to how you want to have them set up, one hint though, unchecking the box for "Warn before excepting Cookies" might not be a bad idea as this will avoid getting warning messages everytime you find a Cookie on the Internet. The most important setting in this section is located under the "Settings" selection located in the right middle of the window. Click on this button and continue to the image below (this is what your machine will load also).

Mail Options Window/Advanced

Here, set your system up the same as shown below. Check the "Every visit to the page" box as this will always force Explorer to give you the latest information available on that page, some pages are updated more than once a day! Next, the "Amount of disk space to use:" is exactly that. All browsers will attempt to keep a copy of HTML pages and graphic images on your hard drive with this option, known as a "disk cache". The idea is a good one, but keep in mind, the larger you make this percentage the more disk space you will need and the more you will be storing on your hard drive to simply Surf the Internet. Also, the way pages are changed so often on the Internet, why would you want to keep a lot of files that may not be there tomorrow? This is why we suggest setting it at a low percentage, like the 6% shown below. When you are done, click on the "Ok" button, close the options window and reload Explorer to insure the settings take effect.

Mail Options Window/Advanced/Settings